

Backpropagation for Population-Temporal Coded Spiking Neural Networks

14 years 3 months ago
Backpropagation for Population-Temporal Coded Spiking Neural Networks
Abstract— Supervised learning rules for spiking neural networks are currently only able to use time-to-first-spike coding and are plagued by very irregular learning curves due to their inability to model spike creation and deletion by weight changes. This paper presents a new learning rule for spiking neurons that uses the general population-temporal coding model. It is inspired by learning rules for locally recurrent analog neural networks. As a result we have a very fast learning rule that is able to operate on a wide class of decoding schemes.
Benjamin Schrauwen, Jan M. Van Campenhout
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Benjamin Schrauwen, Jan M. Van Campenhout
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