

A decentralized model for automated multi-attribute negotiations with incomplete information and general utility functions

13 years 9 months ago
A decentralized model for automated multi-attribute negotiations with incomplete information and general utility functions
This paper presents a decentralized model that allows self-interested agents to reach "win-win" agreements in a multi-attribute negotiation. The model is based on an alternating-offer protocol. In each period, the proposing agent is allowed to make a limited number of offers. The responding agent can select the best out of these offers. In the case of rejection, agents exchange their roles and the negotiation proceeds to the next period. To make counteroffers, an agent first uses the heuristic of choosing the offer on an indifference (or "iso-utility") curve/surface that is closest to the best offer made by the opponent in the previous period, and then taking this offer as the seed, chooses several other offers randomly in a specified neighborhood of this seed offer. Experimental results show that this model induces agents to reach near Pareto optimal agreements in general situations where agents have complex preferences on the attributes and incomplete information...
Guoming Lai, Katia P. Sycara, Cuihong Li
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where MAGS
Authors Guoming Lai, Katia P. Sycara, Cuihong Li
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