
1974 search results - page 395 / 395
» A Performance Study of Event Processing Systems
77views more  JCNS 2007»
13 years 6 months ago
Threshold fatigue and information transfer
Neurons in vivo must process sensory information in the presence of significant noise. It is thus plausible to assume that neural systems have developed mechanisms to reduce this n...
Maurice J. Chacron, Benjamin Lindner, André...
133views more  CONCURRENCY 2000»
13 years 6 months ago
OpenMP versus threading in C/C++
When comparing OpenMP to other parallel programming models, it is easier to choose between OpenMP and MPI than between OpenMP and POSIX Threads (Pthreads). With languages like C a...
Bob Kuhn, Paul Petersen, Eamonn O'Toole
129views more  IANDC 2011»
13 years 1 months ago
Rigid tree automata and applications
We introduce the class of Rigid Tree Automata (RTA), an extension of standard bottom-up automata on ranked trees with distinguished states called rigid. Rigid states define a res...
Florent Jacquemard, Francis Klay, Camille Vacher
143views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 6 months ago
Gene capture prediction and overlap estimation in EST sequencing from one or multiple libraries
Background: In expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing, we are often interested in how many genes we can capture in an EST sample of a targeted size. This information provides ins...
Ji-Ping Z. Wang, Bruce G. Lindsay 0002, Liying Cui...