Stitching is a new interaction technique that allows users to combine pen-operated mobile devices with wireless networking by using pen gestures that span multiple displays. To st...
Over the past two years, horrific disasters such as the Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the Pakistan Earthquake have demonstrated the critical need for effective technologic...
Brian M. Tomaszewski, Alan M. MacEachren, Scott Pe...
/Background The SOLAR and HELIOSPHERIC OBSERVATORY (SOHO) project [SOHO Web Page] is being carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the US National Aeronautics and Space ...
Walt Truszkowski, Nick Netreba, Don Ginn, Sanda Ma...
Modern scientific collaborations have opened up the opportunity of solving complex problems that involve multidisciplinary expertise and large-scale computational experiments. The...
Chee Sun Liew, Malcolm P. Atkinson, Jano I. van He...
The rapid adoption of location tracking and mobile social networking technologies raises significant privacy challenges. Today our understanding of people's location sharing ...
Eran Toch, Justin Cranshaw, Paul Hankes Drielsma, ...