Recently, Har-Peled [HP99b] presented a new randomized technique for online construction of the zone of a curve in a planar arrangement of arcs. In this paper, we present several ...
Given a collection S of n line segments in the plane, the planar point location problem is to construct a data structure that can e ciently determine for a given query point p the...
Michael T. Goodrich, Mark W. Orletsky, Kumar Ramai...
Point location is the problem of preprocessing a planar polygonal subdivision S into a data structure in order to determine efficiently the cell of the subdivision that contains a...
Abstract. One-degree-of-freedom mechanisms induced by minimum pseudotriangulations with one convex hull edge removed have been recently introduced by the author to solve a family o...
We analyze the performance of simple algorithms for matching two planar point sets under rigid transformations so as to minimize the directed Hausdorff distance between the sets....