Abstract— Detecting and unraveling incipient coordinated attacks on Internet resources requires a distributed network monitoring infrastructure. Such an infrastructure will have ...
Detecting network path anomalies generally requires examining large volumes of traffic data to find misbehavior. We observe that wide-area services, such as peerto-peer systems an...
Ming Zhang, Chi Zhang, Vivek S. Pai, Larry L. Pete...
A virtual cluster is a promising technology for reducing management costs and improving capacity utilization in datacenters and computer centers. However, recent cluster virtualiz...
The current generation of le systems are inadequate in facing the new technological challenges of wide area networks and massive storage. xFS is a prototype le system we are devel...
Recent advances in low-power sensing devices coupled with the widespread availability of wireless ad-hoc networks have fueled the development of sensor networks. These are typical...
Amir Soheili, Vana Kalogeraki, Dimitrios Gunopulos