
3875 search results - page 775 / 775
» Approximation algorithms for the 0-extension problem
169views more  TIP 2008»
13 years 5 months ago
Maximum Likelihood Wavelet Density Estimation With Applications to Image and Shape Matching
Density estimation for observational data plays an integral role in a broad spectrum of applications, e.g. statistical data analysis and information-theoretic image registration. ...
Adrian M. Peter, Anand Rangarajan
115views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 5 months ago
Statistical distributions of optimal global alignment scores of random protein sequences
Background: The inference of homology from statistically significant sequence similarity is a central issue in sequence alignments. So far the statistical distribution function un...
Hongxia Pang, Jiaowei Tang, Su-Shing Chen, Shiheng...
151views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 5 months ago
ProMiner: rule-based protein and gene entity recognition
Background: Identification of gene and protein names in biomedical text is a challenging task as the corresponding nomenclature has evolved over time. This has led to multiple syn...
Daniel Hanisch, Katrin Fundel, Heinz-Theodor Mevis...
204views more  COMPUTING 2004»
13 years 5 months ago
Image Registration by a Regularized Gradient Flow. A Streaming Implementation in DX9 Graphics Hardware
The presented image registration method uses a regularized gradient flow to correlate the intensities in two images. Thereby, an energy functional is successively minimized by des...
Robert Strzodka, Marc Droske, Martin Rumpf
14 years 6 months ago
Netprobe: a fast and scalable system for fraud detection in online auction networks
Given a large online network of online auction users and their histories of transactions, how can we spot anomalies and auction fraud? This paper describes the design and implemen...
Shashank Pandit, Duen Horng Chau, Samuel Wang, Chr...