
273 search results - page 2 / 55
» Array2BIO: from microarray expression data to functional ann...
13 years 7 months ago
ICA-based Clustering of Genes from Microarray Expression Data
We propose an unsupervised methodology using independent component analysis (ICA) to cluster genes from DNA microarray data. Based on an ICA mixture model of genomic expression pa...
Su-In Lee, Serafim Batzoglou
115views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 5 months ago
Quantifying the relationship between co-expression, co-regulation and gene function
Background: It is thought that genes with similar patterns of mRNA expression and genes with similar functions are likely to be regulated via the same mechanisms. It has been diff...
Dominic J. Allocco, Isaac S. Kohane, Atul J. Butte
160views more  BMCBI 2008»
13 years 6 months ago
Cross-species and cross-platform gene expression studies with the Bioconductor-compliant R package 'annotationTools'
Background: The variety of DNA microarray formats and datasets presently available offers an unprecedented opportunity to perform insightful comparisons of heterogeneous data. Cro...
Alexandre Kuhn, Ruth Luthi-Carter, Mauro Delorenzi
259views more  BMCBI 2008»
13 years 6 months ago
DISCLOSE : DISsection of CLusters Obtained by SEries of transcriptome data using functional annotations and putative transcripti
Background: A typical step in the analysis of gene expression data is the determination of clusters of genes that exhibit similar expression patterns. Researchers are confronted w...
Evert-Jan Blom, Sacha A. F. T. van Hijum, Klaas J....
146views more  BMCBI 2008»
13 years 6 months ago
EST Express: PHP/MySQL based automated annotation of ESTs from expression libraries
Background: Several biological techniques result in the acquisition of functional sets of cDNAs that must be sequenced and analyzed. The emergence of redundant databases such as U...
Robin P. Smith, William J. Buchser, Marcus B. Lemm...