In outsourced database (ODB) systems the database owner publishes its data through a number of remote servers, with the goal of enabling clients at the edge of the network to acce...
Feifei Li, Marios Hadjieleftheriou, George Kollios...
Database queries can be broadly classified into two categories: reporting queries and aggregation queries. The former retrieves a collection of records from the database that mat...
Database outsourcing requires that a query server constructs a proof of result correctness, which can be verified by the client using the data owner's signature. Previous aut...
Although spatio-temporal databases have received considerable attention recently, there has been little work on processing range sum queries on the historical records of moving ob...
In this paper, we describe a new indexing technique, the time indez, for improving the performance of certain classes of temporal queries. The time index can be used to retrieve v...