Modern computing systems generate large amounts of log data. System administrators or domain experts utilize the log data to understand and optimize system behaviors. Most system ...
—“Big Data” in map-reduce (M-R) clusters is often fundamentally temporal in nature, as are many analytics tasks over such data. For instance, display advertising uses Behavio...
Badrish Chandramouli, Jonathan Goldstein, Songyun ...
Background: The pan-genome of a bacterial species consists of a core and an accessory gene pool. The accessory genome is thought to be an important source of genetic variability i...
Chad Laing, Cody Buchanan, Eduardo N. Taboada, Yon...
Background: OmniLog™ phenotype microarrays (PMs) have the capability to measure and compare the growth responses of biological samples upon exposure to hundreds of growth condit...
Wenling E. Chang, Keri Sarver, Brandon W. Higgs, T...