The reliability of future processors is threatened by decreasing transistor robustness. Current architectures focus on delivering high performance at low cost; lifetime device rel...
Andrea Pellegrini, Joseph L. Greathouse, Valeria B...
The L2 cache is commonly managed using LRU policy. For workloads that have a working set larger than L2 cache, LRU behaves poorly, resulting in a great number of less reused lines...
Abstract—In the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing market, spot instances refer to virtual servers that are rented via an auction. Spot instances allow IaaS provi...
In this work, we investigate the use of directional antennas and beam steering techniques to improve performance of 802.11 links in the context of communication between a moving v...
This work investigates a geometric approach to proving cell probe lower bounds for data structure problems. We consider the approximate nearest neighbor search problem on the Bool...