Modern chip-level multiprocessors (CMPs) contain multiple processor cores sharing a common last-level cache, memory interconnects, and other hardware resources. Workloads running ...
Richard West, Puneet Zaroo, Carl A. Waldspurger, X...
Despite the tremendous growth in the cellular data network usage due to the popularity of smartphones, so far there is rather limited understanding of the network infrastructure o...
Important ecological phenomena are often observed indirectly. Consequently, probabilistic latent variable models provide an important tool, because they can include explicit model...
Rebecca A. Hutchinson, Li-Ping Liu, Thomas G. Diet...
A multi-armed bandit episode consists of n trials, each allowing selection of one of K arms, resulting in payoff from a distribution over [0, 1] associated with that arm. We assum...
Background: The number of sequenced eukaryotic genomes is rapidly increasing. This means that over time it will be hard to keep supplying customised gene finders for each genome. ...