Modern computer work stations provide thousands of applications that store data in >100.000 files on the file system of the underlying OS. To handle these files data process...
Jens-Peter Dittrich, Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles, Do...
In this paper we present Triplify ? a simplistic but effective approach to publish Linked Data from relational databases. Triplify is based on mapping HTTP-URI requests onto relat...
The construction of interactive server-side Web applications differs substantially from the construction of traditional interactive programs. In contrast, existing Web programming...
Jacob Matthews, Robert Bruce Findler, Paul T. Grau...
— Information Systems are subject to a perpetual evolution, which is particularly pressing in Web Information Systems, due to their distributed and often collaborative nature. Su...
Carlo Curino, Hyun J. Moon, MyungWon Ham, Carlo Za...
We reflect on activities to design a mobile application to enable rural people in South Africa's Eastern Cape to record and share their stories, which have implications for `...
Nicola J. Bidwell, Thomas Reitmaier, Gary Marsden,...