Intelligent agents provide a means to integrate various manufacturing software applications. The agents are typically executed in a computer-based collaborative environment, refer...
Recent research showed that the majority of compatibility-breaking changes in a component-based, object-oriented software system are refactorings [5]. The software updating proces...
In today’s dynamic computing environments, the available resources and even underlying computation engine can change during the execution of a program. Additionally, current tre...
Apala Guha, Jason Hiser, Naveen Kumar, Jing Yang, ...
With the emergence of global market and virtual enterprises, coordination of business processes in dispersed organizations by distributed workflow execution will take on more impo...
In this paper a modelling approach to the dynamics within a multi-agent organisation is presented. A declarative, executable specification language for dynamics within an organisat...
Catholijn M. Jonker, Jan Treur, Wouter C. A. Wijng...