The proprietary nature of existing Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) means they are closed and do not naturally cooperate, resulting in “islands” of CDNs. Finding ways for dist...
Al-Mukaddim Khan Pathan, James Broberg, Kris Buben...
Although the ever growing Web contain information to virtually every user’s query, it does not guarantee effectively accessing to those information. In many situations, the user...
Over the past decade the sheer size and complexity of traditional operating systems have prompted a wave of new approaches to help alleviate the services provided by these operati...
Ramesh K. Karne, Karthick V. Jaganathan, Nelson Ro...
Web-based environments typically span interactions between humans and software services. The management and automatic calculation of trust are among the key challenges of the futur...
DTGolog, a decision-theoretic agent programming language based on the situation calculus, was proposed to ease some of the computational difficulties associated with Markov Decisi...