Understanding the self-regulatory mechanisms controlling the spatial and temporal structure of multicellular organisms represents one of the major challenges in molecular biology. ...
In the paper we combine a Bayesian Network model for encoding forensic evidence during a given time interval with a Hidden Markov Model (EBN-HMM) for tracking and predicting the de...
Olivier Y. de Vel, Nianjun Liu, Terry Caelli, Tib&...
In this paper we present a family of models and learning algorithms that can simultaneously align and cluster sets of multidimensional curves measured on a discrete time grid. Our...
Many time series exhibit dynamics over vastly different time scales. The standard way to capture this behavior is to assume that the slow dynamics are a “trend”, to de-trend t...
Taking a global analogy with the structure of perceptual biological systems, we present a system composed of two layers of real-valued sigmoidal neurons. The primary layer receives...