Java PathFinder (JPF) is a popular model checker for Java programs. JPF was used to generate object graphs as test inputs for object-oriented programs. Specifically, JPF was used...
Milos Gligoric, Tihomir Gvero, Steven Lauterburg, ...
computation and automatic abstraction. Second, Ketchum performs not only automatic test generation but also unreachability analysis, which enables the test generation effort to be ...
Pei-Hsin Ho, Thomas R. Shiple, Kevin Harer, James ...
Given a finite state machine M, a checking sequence is an input sequence that is guaranteed to lead to a failure if the implementation under test is faulty and has no more states t...
We present an algorithm for automatic testing of distributed programs, such as Unix processes with inter-process communication and Web services. Specifically, we assume that a prog...
Deterministic testing of SQL database systems is human intensive and cannot adequately cover the SQL input domain. A system (RAGS), was built to stochastically generate valid SQL ...