A key challenge for mixed-initiative systems is to create a shared understanding of the task between human and agent. To address this challenge, we created a mixed-initiative inte...
John Zimmerman, Kathryn Rivard, Ian Hargraves, Ant...
Instant Messaging is a popular medium for both social and workrelated communication. In this paper we report an investigation of the effect of interpersonal relationship on underl...
Agents with partial observability need to share information to achieve decentralised coordination. However, in resource-constrained systems, indiscriminate communication can creat...
Partha Sarathi Dutta, Claudia V. Goldman, Nicholas...
As the non-playable characters (NPCs) of squad-based shooter computer games share a common goal, they should work together in teams and display cooperative behaviours that are tac...
This article describes a research project in the area of cooperative telelearning. It summarizes the characteristics and results of a groupware-supported international teleseminar...
Andreas Johannsen, Wouter van Diggelen, Gert-Jan d...