In this paper, we address both standard and focused retrieval tasks based on comprehensible language models and interactive query expansion (IQE). Query topics are expanded using a...
This paper describes West2East, a Computer-Aided Agent-Oriented Software Engineering toolkit aimed at supporting the implementation of multiagent systems. West2East exploits langua...
This paperconsidersthe problem of representingcomplex systems that evolve stochastically over time. Dynamic Bayesian networks provide a compact representation for stochastic proce...
In component software, the independence of components is achieved by separating their interfaces from implementations. The interface definition of a component serves as the contr...
Data parallel languages such as Vienna Fortran and HPF can be successfully applied to a wide range of numerical applications. However, many advanced scientic and engineering appl...
Barbara M. Chapman, Piyush Mehrotra, John Van Rose...