The electronics design industry is facing major challenges as transistors continue to decrease in size. The next generation of devices will be so small that the position of indivi...
Liangxiu Han, Asen Asenov, Dave Berry, Campbell Mi...
Due to rapid development in the global market, workflow systems are not limited to a single country. Electronic business like workflows span across countries and hence there arise...
With the rapid growth of the Internet, online voting appears to be a reasonable alternative to conventional elections and other opinion expressing processes. Current research focu...
Costas Lambrinoudakis, Spyros Kokolakis, Maria Kar...
Civitas is the first electronic voting system that is coercion-resistant, universally and voter verifiable, and suitable for remote voting. This paper describes the design and i...
Michael R. Clarkson, Stephen Chong, Andrew C. Myer...