Background: Expression microarray analysis is one of the most popular molecular diagnostic techniques in the post-genomic era. However, this technique faces the fundamental proble...
Yian A. Chen, Cheng-Chung Chou, Xinghua Lu, Elizab...
Background: Some distance methods are among the most commonly used methods for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from sequence data. The input to a distance method is a distance m...
—The tremendous growth in the information culture, efficient digital searches are needed to extract and identify information from huge data. The notion that evolution in silicon ...
Point estimates of the parameters in real world models convey valuable information about the actual system. However, parameter comparisons and/or statistical inference requires de...
Background: Understanding the community structure of microbes is typically accomplished by sequencing 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) genes. These community data can be represented b...