Page migration is one of the fundamental subproblems in the framework of data management in networks. It occurs in a distributed network of processors sharing one indivisible memo...
Marcin Bienkowski, Miroslaw Korzeniowski, Friedhel...
A satisfactory multiagent learning algorithm should, at a minimum, learn to play optimally against stationary opponents and converge to a Nash equilibrium in self-play. The algori...
This paper presents a simple and efficient conversion from a semantically secure public-key encryption scheme against passive adversaries to a non-malleable (or semantically secure...
Abstract. Reactive systems are often modelled as two person antagonistic games where one player represents the system while his adversary represents the environment. Undoubtedly, t...
How do we build multiagent algorithms for agent interactions with human adversaries? Stackelberg games are natural models for many important applications that involve human intera...