
8 years 5 months ago
Describing Images using Inferred Visual Dependency Representations
The Visual Dependency Representation (VDR) is an explicit model of the spatial relationships between objects in an image. In this paper we present an approach to training a VDR Pa...
Desmond Elliott, Arjen de Vries
8 years 5 months ago
Generating High Quality Proposition Banks for Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling
Semantic role labeling (SRL) is crucial to natural language understanding as it identifies the predicate-argument structure in text with semantic labels. Unfortunately, resources...
Alan Akbik, Laura Chiticariu, Marina Danilevsky, Y...
8 years 5 months ago
Pairwise Neural Machine Translation Evaluation
We present a novel framework for machine translation evaluation using neural networks in a pairwise setting, where the goal is to select the better translation from a pair of hypo...
Francisco Guzmán, Shafiq R. Joty, Llu&iacut...
8 years 5 months ago
Tweet Normalization with Syllables
In this paper, we propose a syllable-based method for tweet normalization to study the cognitive process of non-standard word creation in social media. Assuming that syllable play...
Ke Xu, Yunqing Xia, Chin-Hui Lee
8 years 5 months ago
Sharing annotations better: RESTful Open Annotation
Annotations are increasingly created and shared online and connected with web resources such as databases of real-world entities. Recent collaborative efforts to provide interoper...
Sampo Pyysalo, Jorge Campos, Juan Miguel Cejuela, ...
8 years 5 months ago
Encoding Source Language with Convolutional Neural Network for Machine Translation
The recently proposed neural network joint model (NNJM) (Devlin et al., 2014) augments the n-gram target language model with a heuristically chosen source context window, achievin...
Fandong Meng, Zhengdong Lu, Mingxuan Wang, Hang Li...
8 years 5 months ago
Coupled Sequence Labeling on Heterogeneous Annotations: POS Tagging as a Case Study
In order to effectively utilize multiple datasets with heterogeneous annotations, this paper proposes a coupled sequence labeling model that can directly learn and infer two heter...
Zhenghua Li, Jiayuan Chao, Min Zhang, Wenliang Che...
8 years 5 months ago
A Hierarchical Neural Autoencoder for Paragraphs and Documents
Natural language generation of coherent long texts like paragraphs or longer documents is a challenging problem for recurrent networks models. In this paper, we explore an importa...
Jiwei Li, Minh-Thang Luong, Dan Jurafsky
8 years 5 months ago
AutoExtend: Extending Word Embeddings to Embeddings for Synsets and Lexemes
We present AutoExtend, a system to learn embeddings for synsets and lexemes. It is flexible in that it can take any word embeddings as input and does not need an additional train...
Sascha Rothe, Hinrich Schütze
8 years 5 months ago
Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization via Phrase Selection and Merging
Lidong Bing, Piji Li, Yi Liao, Wai Lam, Weiwei Guo...