
13 years 10 months ago
Parsing a Natural Language Using Mutual Information Statistics
The purpose of this paper is to characterize a constituent boundary parsing algorithm, using an information-theoretic measure called generalized mutual information, which serves a...
David M. Magerman, Mitchell P. Marcus
13 years 10 months ago
Avoiding Unwanted Conversational Implicatures in Text and Graphics
We have developed two systems, FN and ANDD, that use natural language and graphical displays, respectively, to communicate information about objects to human users. Both systems m...
Joseph Marks, Ehud Reiter
13 years 10 months ago
Shifting Ontological Perspectives in Reasoning About Physical Systems
Commitment to an ontological perspective is a primary aspect of reasoning about the physical world. For complex analytic tasks, the ability to switch between different ontologies ...
Zheng-Yang Liu, Arthur M. Farley
13 years 10 months ago
Weak Representations of Interval Algebras
Ladkin and Maddux [LaMa87] showed how to interpret the calculus of time intervals defined by Allen [AZ2831 in terms of representations of a particular relation algebra, and proved...
Gerard Ligozat
13 years 10 months ago
On Acting Together
Joint action by a team does not consist merely of simultaneous and coordinated individual actions; to act together, a team must be aware of and care about the status of the group ...
Hector J. Levesque, Philip R. Cohen, José H...
13 years 10 months ago
Operationality Criteria for Recursive Predicates
Current explanation-based generalization (EBG) techniques can perform badly when the problem being solved involves recursion. Often an infinite series of learned concepts are gene...
Stanley Letovsky
13 years 10 months ago
Indexical Knowledge in Robot Plans
Robots act upon and perceive the world from a particular perspective. It is important to recognize this relativity to perspective if one is not to be overly demanding in specifyin...
Yves Lespérance, Hector J. Levesque
13 years 10 months ago
The Design of a Marker Passing Architecture for Knowledge Processing
Knowledge processing is very demanding on computer architectures. Knowledge processing generates subcomputation paths at an exponential rate. It is memory intensive and has high c...
Wing Lee, Dan I. Moldovan
13 years 10 months ago
Decidable Reasoning in First-Order Knowledge Bases with Perfect Introspection
Since knowledge bases (KBs) are usually incomplete, they should be able to provide information regarding their own incompleteness, which requires them to introspect on what they k...
Gerhard Lakemeyer