
13 years 5 months ago
A Tractable Walsh Analysis of SAT and its Implications for Genetic Algorithms
Walsh Transforms measure all sources of nonlinear interactions for functions that have a bit representation. There can be exponentially many nonlinear interactions and exactly com...
Soraya B. Rana, Robert B. Heckendorn, L. Darrell W...
13 years 5 months ago
Natural Language Multiprocessing: A Case Study
This paper presents two case studies of parallelization of large Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications using a parallel logic programmingsystem (called "ACE")th...
Enrico Pontelli, Gopal Gupta, Janyce Wiebe, David ...
13 years 5 months ago
Knowledge Lean Word-Sense Disambiguation
We present a corpus{based approach to word{sense disambiguation that only requires information that can be automatically extracted from untagged text. We use unsupervised techniqu...
Ted Pedersen, Rebecca F. Bruce
13 years 5 months ago
Learning to Classify Text from Labeled and Unlabeled Documents
In many important text classification problems, acquiring class labels for training documents is costly, while gathering large quantities of unlabeled data is cheap. This paper sh...
Kamal Nigam, Andrew McCallum, Sebastian Thrun, Tom...
13 years 5 months ago
Control Strategies in HTN Planning: Theory Versus Practice
AI planning techniques are beginning to find use in a number of practical planning domains. However, the backward-chaining and partial-order-planning control strategies traditiona...
Dana S. Nau, Stephen J. J. Smith, Kutluhan Erol