
8 years 5 months ago
Mining User Consumption Intention from Social Media Using Domain Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network
Social media platforms are often used by people to express their needs and desires. Such data offer great opportunities to identify users’ consumption intention from user-genera...
Xiao Ding, Ting Liu, Junwen Duan, Jian-Yun Nie
8 years 5 months ago
Going Beyond Literal Command-Based Instructions: Extending Robotic Natural Language Interaction Capabilities
The ultimate goal of human natural language interaction is to communicate intentions. However, these intentions are often not directly derivable from the semantics of an utterance...
Tom Williams, Gordon Briggs, Bradley Oosterveld, M...
8 years 5 months ago
Tackling Mental Health by Integrating Unobtrusive Multimodal Sensing
Mental illness is becoming a major plague in modern societies and poses challenges to the capacity of current public health systems worldwide. With the widespread adoption of soci...
Dawei Zhou, Jiebo Luo, Vincent M. B. Silenzio, Yun...
8 years 5 months ago
Outlier-Robust Convex Segmentation
We address the task of segmenting sequential data using convex optimization problem, which is specifically designed to work in the context of outliers in the data. We propose two...
Itamar Katz, Koby Crammer
8 years 5 months ago
Aligning Mixed Manifolds
Current manifold alignment methods can effectively align data sets that are drawn from a non-intersecting set of manifolds. However, as data sets become increasingly high-dimensio...
Thomas Boucher, C. J. Carey, Sridhar Mahadevan, Me...
8 years 5 months ago
A Convex Formulation for Spectral Shrunk Clustering
Spectral clustering is a fundamental technique in the field of data mining and information processing. Most existing spectral clustering algorithms integrate dimensionality reduc...
Xiaojun Chang, Feiping Nie, Zhigang Ma, Yi Yang, X...
8 years 5 months ago
Submodular Surrogates for Value of Information
How should we gather information to make effective decisions? A classical answer to this fundamental problem is given by the decision-theoretic value of information. Unfortunately...
Yuxin Chen, Shervin Javdani, Amin Karbasi, J. Andr...
8 years 5 months ago
Cooperating with Unknown Teammates in Complex Domains: A Robot Soccer Case Study of Ad Hoc Teamwork
Many scenarios require that robots work together as a team in order to effectively accomplish their tasks. However, precoordinating these teams may not always be possible given th...
Samuel Barrett, Peter Stone
8 years 5 months ago
Risk Based Optimization for Improving Emergency Medical Systems
In emergency medical systems, arriving at the incident location a few seconds early can save a human life. Thus, this paper is motivated by the need to reduce the response time ...
Sandhya Saisubramanian, Pradeep Varakantham, Hoong...
8 years 5 months ago
Leveraging Common Structure to Improve Prediction across Related Datasets
In many applications, training data is provided in the form of related datasets obtained from several sources, which typically affects the sample distribution. The learned classi...
Matt Barnes, Nick Gisolfi, Madalina Fiterau, Artur...