
13 years 28 days ago
CP and IP approaches to cancer radiotherapy delivery optimization
Abstract. We consider the problem of decomposing an integer matrix into a positively weighted sum of binary matrices that have the consecutive-ones property. This problem is well-k...
Davaatseren Baatar, Natashia Boland, Sebastian Bra...
13 years 4 months ago
Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and branch-and-price solving in G12
Abstract The G12 project is developing a software environment for stating and solving combinatorial problems by mapping a high-level model of the problem to an efficient combinatio...
Jakob Puchinger, Peter J. Stuckey, Mark G. Wallace...
13 years 4 months ago
Solving Steel Mill Slab Problems with constraint-based techniques: CP, LNS, and CBLS
The Steel Mill Slab Problem is an optimization benchmark that has been studied for a long time in the constraint-programming community but was only solved efficiently in the two l...
Pierre Schaus, Pascal Van Hentenryck, Jean-Noë...
13 years 4 months ago
Cardinality Networks: a theoretical and empirical study
We introduce Cardinality Networks, a new CNF encoding of cardinality constraints. It improves upon the previously existing encodings such as the sorting networks of [8] in that it ...
Roberto Asín, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Ol...
13 years 4 months ago
A global constraint for total weighted completion time for unary resources
We introduce a novel global constraint for the total weighted completion time of activities on a single unary capacity resource. For propagating the constraint, we propose an O(n4...
András Kovács, J. Christopher Beck