
189views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
Management of Dynamic and Adaptive Workflow Business Processes
: Collaborative and dynamic workflow management systems in logistic companies require strong information systems and computer support. Business processes in such industries general...
Leo Pudhota, Elizabeth Chang
103views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
Software Engineering Employee Motivational Capital Model: SE-EMCM
The business world has been reinventing the human. Employee participative transition projects for management strategies are becoming more important in IT organizations day by day....
Serdar Turkeli
120views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
Financial Transaction Reporting System in m-Commerce
- As mobile devices have been popular, many wireless applications for mobile devices have been developed. One of applications is to represent financial transaction report for a pro...
Jongwook Woo, Dong-Yon Kim, Wonhong Cho, MinSeok J...
120views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
When Most Quickly Developing Technique Meets with Most Quickly Developing Country: Towards Understanding Internet in China
- To a large extent, governments and organizations worldwide have recognized that either the broader information communication technologies (ICTs) sector or specifically with respe...
Yun Tang, Lifeng Sun, Hai Qin, Shiqiang Yang, Yuzh...
88views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
E-Learning Tool Dileco, For Low Internet Bandwidth And Its Application
Gohar Sargsyan, Evgueni A. Haroutunian, Lusine Sar...
148views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
Realising RosettaNet PIP Compositions as Web Service Orchestrations - A Case Study
A world of ever growing competition not only forces enterprises to continuously optimise their private business processes but also to integrate their business processes with their ...
Andreas Schönberger, Guido Wirtz
103views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
Mobile Web Service Architecture for Software Development Peer Inspection
- Improving software quality remains a key challenge. Software development formal peer inspection has emerged as an effective approach to address this challenge. Software peer insp...
Gilda Pour, Ashwini Ramachandra, Panchali Sarkar
118views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
Analyzing and Modeling a Multiparty Outsourcing Environment
: This paper discusses the complexities involved in managing and monitoring the delivery of IT services in a multiparty outsourcing environment. The complexities identified are gro...
S. David Peter, K. Poulose Jacob, Sreela Sasi
141views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
Integrating the Learning Management System with other Online Administrative Systems at AOU
- This paper follows the progress of improving the Arab Open University's Learning Management System by integrating it with other online systems, such as the university's...
Bayan Abu Shawar, Jehad Al-Sadi, Amr Hourani
145views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
e-Business Systems: Exploring Knowledge Prospect Domains (KPDs)
Research was conducted in the area of sustainable knowledge extraction from e-business systems and technologies. Differentiating approaches from three notable authors in the field...
Daniel Botha