
13 years 10 months ago
Assisted Living Systems: Human Factors Considerations
Although many older adults wish to live independently, remaining in their own homes as long as possible, they may face obstacles such as transportation issues, social isolation, up...
Johnell O. Brooks
13 years 10 months ago
Policy-based Home Care Systems
Abstract. Technology to support care at home is a promising alternative to traditional approaches. However, home care systems present significant technical challenges. For example,...
Feng Wang
13 years 10 months ago
Integrated Human Behavior Modeling
In order to prevent emergencies or critical situations where humans are the origin, a timely provision of information thus obtained for the coordinating services and the on-site st...
Michael Berger, Dagmar Beyer, Stephan Prueckner
13 years 10 months ago
Software Architecture Trends and Promising Technology for Ambient Assisted Living Systems
Driven by the ongoing demographical, structural, and social changes in all modern, industrialized countries, there is a huge interest in IT-based equipment and services these days...
Martin Becker
13 years 10 months ago
Assistive Technology for Successful Aging: Perspectives from Developmental Behavioral and Neuroscience
Growing into old age is a personal privilege and a societal achievement. However, it is also a challenge for both the individuals and societies. The impressive gains in extending a...
Shu-Chen Li, Michael Schellenbach, Ulman Lindenber...
13 years 10 months ago
Some important aspects of Medical and Nursing House Call sustaining Assisted Living of Ageing Population
Although the house call a decade ago was declared a vanishing practice, statistics show an upwelling of home visits by physicians, in the developed countries, during the last ten y...
Basile Spyropoulos, Aris Tzavaras, Maria Botsivaly...
13 years 10 months ago
Ambient Assisted Living Systems - The Conflicts between Technology, Acceptance, Ethics and Privacy
Installing and using AAL Smart Home-systems in the homes of older people not only offers a tremendous potential for increasing safety and quality of life but may also evoke relucta...
Wolfgang L. Zagler, Paul Panek, Marjo Rauhala
13 years 10 months ago
Functional Changes in Older Adults: Impact on Home Technology Design
: The aging demographic being experienced by all western countries has significant impact on health care utilization as well as the ability to remain in independent living situatio...
Victor A. Hirth
13 years 10 months ago
Aging Users are Still Users
Today’s tech-savvy boomers will remain comfortable with technology as they age, though they may need different interfaces. They need help with evaluating technical resources, but...
Mary Shaw
13 years 10 months ago
Reference Architecture for Ambient Intelligence
A lot of software infrastructures for distributed device ensembles with quite different approaches have been developed in the past. This article describes the need of a reference a...
Reiner Wichert