
13 years 4 months ago
Informed ways of improving data-driven dependency parsing for German
We investigate a series of targeted modifications to a data-driven dependency parser of German and show that these can be highly effective even for a relatively well studied langu...
Wolfgang Seeker, Bernd Bohnet, Lilja Øvreli...
13 years 7 months ago
Improving data-driven dependency parsing using large-scale LFG grammars
This paper presents experiments which combine a grammar-driven and a datadriven parser. We show how the conversion of LFG output to dependency representation allows for a techniqu...
Lilja Øvrelid, Jonas Kuhn, Kathrin Spreyer
13 years 10 months ago
Parsing the SynTagRus Treebank of Russian
We present the first results on parsing the SYNTAGRUS treebank of Russian with a data-driven dependency parser, achieving a labeled attachment score of over 82% and an unlabeled a...
Joakim Nivre, Igor Boguslavsky, Leonid L. Iomdin