
13 years 10 months ago
3-D Surface Segmentation of Free-Form Objects Using Implicit Algebraic Surfaces
This paper describes a new technique for free-form object segmentation from a single arbitrary-viewed range image. The aim is to derive a surface description of objects that may va...
Rachid Benlamri, Yousuf Al-Marzooqi
13 years 10 months ago
Fast Adaptive Algorithm for Time-Critical Color Quantization Application
Color quantization is the process of grouping n data points to k cluster. We proposed a new approach, based on Wu’s color quantization [6]. Our approach can significantly reduce ...
Kiattisin Kanjanawanishkul, Bunyarit Uyyanonvara
13 years 10 months ago
Computing Image-Based Reprojection Error on Graphics Hardware
This paper describes a novel approach to the problem of recovering information from an image set by comparing the radiance of hypothesised point correspondences. This method is app...
John W. Bastian, Anton van den Hengel
13 years 10 months ago
A Virtual Environment to Simulate the Experience of Psychosis
Abstract. Psychosis is a mental disorder that affects 1–2% of the population at some point in their lives. One of the main causes of psychosis is the mental illness schizophreni...
Jasmine Banks, Jennifer Tichon, Geoffery Ericksson...
13 years 10 months ago
A Novel Edge Enhanced Error Diffusion
  The  error  diffusion  method  is  good  for  reconstructing  continuous  tones  of  an  image  to  bilevel  tones.  However,  the  reconstruction  of  edge...
Tae-Ha Kang, Tae-Seung Lee, Syng-Yup Ohn, Byong-Wo...
13 years 10 months ago
Adaptive Magnetic Resonance Image Denoising Using Mixture Model and Wavelet Shrinkage
Abstract. This paper proposes a new adaptive wavelet-based Magnetic Resonance images denoising algorithm. A Rician distribution for background-noise modelling is introduced and a M...
Lei Jiang, Wenhui Yang
13 years 10 months ago
Globally Optimal Surfaces by Continuous Maximal Flows
Abstract. In this paper we solve the problem of computing exact continuous optimal curves and surfaces for image segmentation and 3D reconstruction, using a maximal flow approach ...
Ben Appleton, Hugues Talbot
13 years 10 months ago
A Bi-Scale-Space for the Analysis of Blobs
We present a scale-space with separate scales in the greyscale and spatial dimensions, using ideas from mathematical morphology. Dynamics are used for greyscale (luminance) filter...
Paul T. Jackway
13 years 10 months ago
Recognition of Motion in Depth by a Fixed Camera
Abstract. The research on perception of motion has important applications for surveillance and autonomous robot navigation in dynamic environments. The issue of estimation of motio...
Huynh Quang Huy Viet, Michio Miwa, Hidenori Maruta...
13 years 10 months ago
An Experimental Evaluation of Local Features for Pedestrian Classification
Sakrapee Paisitkriangkrai, Chunhua Shen, Jian Zhan...