
93views more  ECCC 2000»
13 years 9 months ago
Improved Approximation of MAX-CUT on Graphs of Bounded Degree
We analyze the addition of a simple local improvement step to various known randomized approximation algorithms. Let ' 0:87856 denote the best approximation ratio currently k...
Uriel Feige, Marek Karpinski, Michael Langberg
117views more  ECCC 2000»
13 years 9 months ago
On Testing Expansion in Bounded-Degree Graphs
We consider testing graph expansion in the bounded-degree graph model. Specifically, we refer to algorithms for testing whether the graph has a second eigenvalue bounded above by a...
Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron
113views more  ECCC 2000»
13 years 9 months ago
Candidate One-Way Functions Based on Expander Graphs
Abstract. We suggest a candidate one-way function using combinatorial constructs such as expander graphs. These graphs are used to determine a sequence of small overlapping subsets...
Oded Goldreich
120views more  ECCC 2000»
13 years 9 months ago
A Complete Problem for Statistical Zero Knowledge
Abstract. We present the first complete problem for SZK, the class of promise problems possessing statistical zero-knowledge proofs (against an honest verifier). The problem, calle...
Amit Sahai, Salil P. Vadhan
140views more  ECCC 2000»
13 years 9 months ago
Randomized Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines
We consider the problem of Scheduling n Independent Jobs on m Unrelated Parallel Machines, when the number of machines m is xed. We address the standard problem of minimizing the ...
Pavlos Efraimidis, Paul G. Spirakis
101views more  ECCC 2000»
13 years 9 months ago
Simplified derandomization of BPP using a hitting set generator
Abstract. A hitting-set generator is a deterministic algorithm that generates a set of strings such that this set intersects every dense set that is recognizable by a small circuit...
Oded Goldreich, Salil P. Vadhan, Avi Wigderson