
126views Data Mining» more  EDM 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Higher Contributions Correlate with Higher Learning Gains
Carol Forsyth, Heather Butler, Arthur C. Graesser,...
165views Data Mining» more  EDM 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Effort-based Tutoring: An Empirical Approach to Intelligent Tutoring
We describe pedagogical and student modeling based on past student interactions with a tutoring system. We model student effort with an integrated view of student behaviors (e.g. t...
Ivon Arroyo, Hasmik Meheranian, Beverly Park Woolf
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13 years 11 months ago
Process Mining to Support Students' Collaborative Writing
Writing, particularly collaborative writing is a commonly needed skill. Investigating how ideas and concepts are developed during the process of writing can be used to improve not ...
Vilaythong Southavilay, Kalina Yacef, Rafael A. Ca...
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13 years 11 months ago
Using a Bayesian Knowledge Base for Hint Selection on Domain Specific Problems
A Bayesian Knowledge Base is a generalization of traditional Bayesian Networks where nodes or groups of nodes have independence. In this paper we describe a method of generating a ...
John C. Stamper, Tiffany Barnes, Marvin J. Croy
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13 years 11 months ago
Mining Students' Interaction Data from a System that Support Learning by Reflection
In this paper we utilising some popular educational data mining (EDM) methods to explore and mine educational data resulted from a system that supports reflection for learning call...
148views Data Mining» more  EDM 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Sentiment Analysis in Student Experiences of Learning
In this paper we present an evaluation of new techniques for automatically detecting sentiment polarity (Positive or Negative) in the students responses to Unit of Study Evaluation...
Sunghwan Mac Kim, Rafael A. Calvo
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13 years 11 months ago
Is Students' Activity in LMS Persistent?
Arnon Hershkovitz, Rafi Nachmias
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13 years 11 months ago
Analyzing Learning Styles using Behavioral Indicators in Web based Learning Environments
It is argued that the analysis of the learner's generated log files during interactions with a learning environment is necessary to produce interpretative views of their activ...
Nabila Bousbia, Jean-Marc Labat, Amar Balla, Issam...
152views Data Mining» more  EDM 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Peer Production of Online Learning Resources: A Social Network Analysis
This paper describes methods for collecting user activity data in a peer production educational system, the Instructional Architect (IA), and then takes a social network perspectiv...
Beijie Xu, Mimi Recker
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13 years 11 months ago
Can Order of Access to Learning Resources Predict Success?
Learning management systems capture student's interactions with the course contents in the form of event logs, including the order in which resources are accessed. We build on...
Hema Soundranayagam, Kalina Yacef