
13 years 10 months ago
Predicting Success in Machine Translation
The performance of machine translation systems varies greatly depending on the source and target languages involved. Determining the contribution of different characteristics of l...
Alexandra Birch, Miles Osborne, Philipp Koehn
13 years 10 months ago
Discriminative Learning of Selectional Preference from Unlabeled Text
We present a discriminative method for learning selectional preferences from unlabeled text. Positive examples are taken from observed predicate-argument pairs, while negatives ar...
Shane Bergsma, Dekang Lin, Randy Goebel
13 years 10 months ago
Mining and Modeling Relations between Formal and Informal Chinese Phrases from Web Corpora
We present a novel method for discovering and modeling the relationship between informal Chinese expressions (including colloquialisms and instant-messaging slang) and their forma...
Zhifei Li, David Yarowsky
13 years 10 months ago
Modeling Annotators: A Generative Approach to Learning from Annotator Rationales
A human annotator can provide hints to a machine learner by highlighting contextual "rationales" for each of his or her annotations (Zaidan et al., 2007). How can one ex...
Omar Zaidan, Jason Eisner
13 years 10 months ago
Word Sense Disambiguation Using OntoNotes: An Empirical Study
The accuracy of current word sense disambiguation (WSD) systems is affected by the fine-grained sense inventory of WordNet as well as a lack of training examples. Using the WSD ex...
Zhi Zhong, Hwee Tou Ng, Yee Seng Chan
13 years 10 months ago
Online Word Games for Semantic Data Collection
Obtaining labeled data is a significant obstacle for many NLP tasks. Recently, online games have been proposed as a new way of obtaining labeled data; games attract users by being...
David Vickrey, Aaron Bronzan, William Choi, Aman K...
13 years 10 months ago
Learning Graph Walk Based Similarity Measures for Parsed Text
We consider a parsed text corpus as an instance of a labelled directed graph, where nodes represent words and weighted directed edges represent the syntactic relations between the...
Einat Minkov, William W. Cohen
13 years 10 months ago
Unsupervised Models for Coreference Resolution
We present a generative model for unsupervised coreference resolution that views coreference as an EM clustering process. For comparison purposes, we revisit Haghighi and Klein�...
Vincent Ng
13 years 10 months ago
Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units
Most attempts to integrate FrameNet in NLP systems have so far failed because of its limited coverage. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of distributional and WordNe...
Marco Pennacchiotti, Diego De Cao, Roberto Basili,...
13 years 10 months ago
Latent-Variable Modeling of String Transductions with Finite-State Methods
String-to-string transduction is a central problem in computational linguistics and natural language processing. It occurs in tasks as diverse as name transliteration, spelling co...
Markus Dreyer, Jason Smith, Jason Eisner