
102views Education» more  LREC 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Evaluation of Modules and Tools for Speech Synthesis: the ECESS Framework
The consortium ECESS1 (European Center of Excellence for Speech Synthesis) has set up a framework for evaluation of software modules and tools relevant for speech synthesis. Till ...
Harald Höge, Zdravko Kacic, Bojan Kotnik, Mat...
123views Education» more  LREC 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
An Economic View on Human Language Technology Evaluation
This paper analyses some general issues about human language technology evaluation, focusing on economic aspects. It first provides a scientific rationale for the need to organize...
Edouard Geoffrois
140views Education» more  LREC 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Fine-grained Linguistic Evaluation of Question Answering Systems
Question answering systems are complex systems using natural language processing. Some evaluation campaigns are organized to evaluate such systems in order to propose a classifica...
Sarra El Ayari, Brigitte Grau, Anne-Laure Ligozat
179views Education» more  LREC 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Evaluation Protocol and Tools for Question-Answering on Speech Transcripts
Question Answering (QA) technology aims at providing relevant answers to natural language questions. Most Question Answering research has focused on mining document collections co...
Nicolas Moreau, Olivier Hamon, Djamel Mostefa, Sop...
107views Education» more  LREC 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Is my Judge a good One?
This paper aims at measuring the reliability of judges in MT evaluation. The scope is two evaluation campaigns from the CESTA project, during which human evaluations were carried ...
Olivier Hamon
14 years 1 months ago
Scientific Data of an Evaluation Campaign: Do We Properly Deal with Them?
Abstract. This paper examines the current way of keeping the data produced during the evaluation campaigns and highlights some shortenings of it. As a consequence, we propose a new...
Maristella Agosti, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Nicola...
14 years 6 months ago
A Framework of Evaluation for Question-Answering Systems
Evaluating complex system is a complex task. Evaluation campaigns are organized each year to test different systems on global results, but they do not evaluate the relevance of th...
Sarra El Ayari, Brigitte Grau