
11 years 11 months ago
Joint Learning of a Dual SMT System for Paraphrase Generation
SMT has been used in paraphrase generation by translating a source sentence into another (pivot) language and then back into the source. The resulting sentences can be used as can...
Hong Sun, Ming Zhou
11 years 11 months ago
Improving Word Representations via Global Context and Multiple Word Prototypes
Unsupervised word representations are very useful in NLP tasks both as inputs to learning algorithms and as extra word features in NLP systems. However, most of these models are b...
Eric H. Huang, Richard Socher, Christopher D. Mann...
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12 years 4 months ago
Domain bias in web search
This paper uncovers a new phenomenon in web search that we call domain bias — a user’s propensity to believe that a page is more relevant just because it comes from a particul...
Samuel Ieong, Nina Mishra, Eldar Sadikov, Li Zhang
13 years 25 days ago
Evaluating Semantic Metrics on Tasks of Concept Similarity
This study presents an evaluation of WordNet-based semantic similarity and relatedness measures in tasks focused on concept similarity. Assuming similarity as distinct from relate...
Hansen Andrew Schwartz, Fernando Gomez
13 years 29 days ago
Collecting Highly Parallel Data for Paraphrase Evaluation
A lack of standard datasets and evaluation metrics has prevented the field of paraphrasing from making the kind of rapid progress enjoyed by the machine translation community ove...
David Chen, William B. Dolan
13 years 7 months ago
The Best Lexical Metric for Phrase-Based Statistical MT System Optimization
Translation systems are generally trained to optimize BLEU, but many alternative metrics are available. We explore how optimizing toward various automatic evaluation metrics (BLEU...
Daniel Cer, Christopher D. Manning, Daniel Jurafsk...
13 years 7 months ago
Further Meta-Evaluation of Broad-Coverage Surface Realization
We present the first evaluation of the utility of automatic evaluation metrics on surface realizations of Penn Treebank data. Using outputs of the OpenCCG and XLE realizers, along...
Dominic Espinosa, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, Michael W...
13 years 10 months ago
Source-Language Features and Maximum Correlation Training for Machine Translation Evaluation
We propose three new features for MT evaluation: source-sentence constrained n-gram precision, source-sentence reordering metrics, and discriminative unigram precision, as well as...
Ding Liu, Daniel Gildea
13 years 10 months ago
A Re-examination of Machine Learning Approaches for Sentence-Level MT Evaluation
Recent studies suggest that machine learning can be applied to develop good automatic evaluation metrics for machine translated sentences. This paper further analyzes aspects of l...
Joshua Albrecht, Rebecca Hwa
14 years 1 months ago
The Significance of Recall in Automatic Metrics for MT Evaluation
Recent research has shown that a balanced harmonic mean (F1 measure) of unigram precision and recall outperforms the widely used BLEU and NIST metrics for Machine Translation evalu...
Alon Lavie, Kenji Sagae, Shyamsundar Jayaraman