
13 years 10 months ago
Context-Dependent Recommendations with Items Splitting
Recommender systems are intelligent applications that help on-line users to tackle information overload by providing recommendations of relevant items. Collaborative Filtering (CF...
Linas Baltrunas, Francesco Ricci
13 years 10 months ago
A Study on Evaluation on Opinion Retrieval Systems
We study the evaluation of opinion retrieval systems. Opinion retrieval is a relatively new research area, nevertheless classical evaluation measures, those adopted for ad hoc ret...
Giambattista Amati, Giuseppe Amodeo, Valerio Capoz...
13 years 10 months ago
Developing the Quantum Probability Ranking Principle
In this work, we summarise the development of a ranking principle based on quantum probability theory, called the Quantum Probability Ranking Principle (QPRP), and we also provide...
Guido Zuccon, Leif Azzopardi
13 years 10 months ago
Refreshing Models to Provide Timely Query Recommendations
In this work we propose a comparative study of the effects of a continuous model update on the effectiveness of wellknown query recommendation algorithms. In their original formul...
Daniele Broccolo, Franco Maria Nardini, Raffaele P...
13 years 10 months ago
An Ontological Representation of Documents and Queries for Information Retrieval Systems
This paper presents a vector space model approach, for representing documents and queries, using concepts instead of terms and WordNet as a light ontology. This way, information o...
Mauro Dragoni, Célia da Costa Pereira, Andr...
13 years 10 months ago
An Empirical Comparison of Collaborative Filtering Approaches on Netflix Data
Recommender systems are widely used in E-Commerce for making automatic suggestions of new items that could meet the interest of a given user. Collaborative Filtering approaches co...
Nicola Barbieri, Massimo Guarascio, Ettore Ritacco
13 years 10 months ago
Thinking of a System for Image Retrieval
Increasing applications are demanding effective and efficient support to perform retrieval in large collections of digital images. The work presented here is an early stage resear...
Giovanna Castellano, Gianluca Sforza, Maria Alessa...