
233views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Dense 3-D Reconstruction of an Outdoor Scene by Hundreds-Baseline Stereo Using a Hand-Held Video Camera
Three-dimensional (3-D) models of outdoor scenes are widely used for object recognition, navigation, mixed reality, and so on. Because such models are often made manually with hig...
Tomokazu Sato, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya, H...
99views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Subjective Surfaces: A Geometric Model for Boundary Completion
We present a geometric model and a computational method for segmentation of images with missing boundaries. In many situations, the human visual system fills in missing gaps in ed...
Alessandro Sarti, Ravi Malladi, James A. Sethian
111views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Linear Multi View Reconstruction and Camera Recovery Using a Reference Plane
This paper presents a linear algorithm for simultaneous computation of 3D points and camera positions from multiple perspective views based on having a reference plane visible in a...
Carsten Rother, Stefan Carlsson
219views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
View-Invariant Representation and Recognition of Actions
Analysis of human perception of motion shows that information for representing the motion is obtained from the dramatic changes in the speed and direction of the trajectory. In thi...
Cen Rao, Alper Yilmaz, Mubarak Shah
96views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
A VLSI-Compatible Computer Vision Algorithm for Stereoscopic Depth Analysis in Real-Time
The analysis of the depth coordinates of objects in a visual scene is of vital importance for animals as well as in technological applications like autonomous robot navigation or p...
Bernd Porr, Bernd Nürenberg, Florentin Wö...
89views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Modeling and Animating Realistic Faces from Images
Frederic H. Pighin, Richard Szeliski, David Salesi...
86views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard Camera Approach
In this paper we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic....
Peter Peer, Franc Solina
141views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Spatio-Temporal Stereo Using Multi-Resolution Subdivision Surfaces
We present a method to automatically extract spatio-temporal descriptions of moving objects from synchronized and calibrated multi-view sequences. The object is modeled by a time-...
Jan Neumann, Yiannis Aloimonos
185views more  IJCV 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Vision and the Atmosphere
Current vision systems are designed to perform in clear weather. Needless to say, in any outdoor application, there is no escape from "bad" weather. Ultimately, computer ...
Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Shree K. Nayar