
184views Optimization» more  IPCO 2001»
13 years 10 months ago
Approximation Algorithms for the Minimum Bends Traveling Salesman Problem
Problem (Extended Abstract) Cliff Stein David P. Wagner Dartmouth College Computer Science Technical Report TR2000-367 May 9, 2000 The problem of traversing a set of points in the...
Clifford Stein, David P. Wagner
117views Optimization» more  IPCO 2001»
13 years 10 months ago
Pruning by Isomorphism in Branch-and-Cut
The paper presents a branch-and-cut for solving (0, 1) integer linear programs having a large symmetry group. The group is used for pruning the enumeration tree and for generating ...
François Margot
125views Optimization» more  IPCO 2001»
13 years 10 months ago
An Explicit Exact SDP Relaxation for Nonlinear 0-1 Programs
Abstract. We consider the general nonlinear optimization problem in 01 variables and provide an explicit equivalent convex positive semidefinite program in 2n - 1 variables. The op...
Jean B. Lasserre
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13 years 10 months ago
Synthesis of 2-Commodity Flow Networks
We investigate network design under volatile conditions of link failures and traffic overload. Our model is a non-simultaneous 2-commodity problem. We characterize the feasible so...
Refael Hassin, Asaf Levin
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13 years 10 months ago
Bisubmodular Function Minimization
This paper presents the first combinatorial polynomial algorithm for minimizing bisubmodular functions, extending the scaling algorithm for submodular function minimization due to ...
Satoru Fujishige, Satoru Iwata
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13 years 10 months ago
On the Rank of Mixed 0, 1 Polyhedra
Gérard Cornuéjols, Yanjun Li
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13 years 10 months ago
Approximate k-MSTs and k-Steiner Trees via the Primal-Dual Method and Lagrangean Relaxation
Garg [10] gives two approximation algorithms for the minimum-cost tree spanning k vertices in an undirected graph. Recently Jain and Vazirani [16] discovered primal-dual approxima...
Fabián A. Chudak, Tim Roughgarden, David P....