
111views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Efficient string matching with wildcards and length constraints
This paper defines a challenging problem of pattern matching between a pattern P and a text T, with wildcards and length constraints, and designs an efficient algorithm to return e...
Gong Chen, Xindong Wu, Xingquan Zhu, Abdullah N. A...
77views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Finding centric local outliers in categorical/numerical spaces
Outlier detection techniques are widely used in many applications such as credit card fraud detection, monitoring criminal activities in electronic commerce, etc. These application...
Jeffrey Xu Yu, Weining Qian, Hongjun Lu, Aoying Zh...
164views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
On efficiently summarizing categorical databases
Frequent itemset mining was initially proposed and has been studied extensively in the context of association rule mining. In recent years, several studies have also extended its a...
Jianyong Wang, George Karypis
102views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Visual information extraction
Typographic and visual information is an integral part of textual documents. Most information extraction systems ignore most of this visual information, processing the text as a l...
Yonatan Aumann, Ronen Feldman, Yair Liberzon, Biny...
59views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Multiple labels associative classification
Fadi A. Thabtah, Peter I. Cowling, Yonghong Peng
79views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Applying language modeling to session identification from database trace logs
Xiangji Huang, Qingsong Yao, Aijun An
87views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Improving the performance of 1D object classification by using the Electoral College
Abstract It has been proven that districted matching schemes (e.g., the US presidential election scheme, also called the Electoral College) are more stable than undistricted matchi...
Liang Chen, Ruoyu Chen, Sharmin Nilufar
111views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Real-time classification of variable length multi-attribute motions
Multi-attribute motion data can be generated in many applications/ devices, such as motion capture devices and animations. It can have dozens of attributes, thousands of rows, and ...
Chuanjun Li, Latifur Khan, Balakrishnan Prabhakara...
94views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Human-centered ontology engineering: The HCOME methodology
The fast emergent and continuously evolving areas of the Semantic Web and Knowledge Management make the incorporation of ontology engineering tasks in knowledge-empowered organiza...
Konstantinos Kotis, George A. Vouros
110views more  KAIS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Catch the moment: maintaining closed frequent itemsets over a data stream sliding window
Yun Chi, Haixun Wang, Philip S. Yu, Richard R. Mun...