
185views Education» more  CORR 2010»
13 years 6 months ago
Analysing the behaviour of robot teams through relational sequential pattern mining
This report outlines the use of a relational representation in a Multi-Agent domain to model the behaviour of the whole system. A desired property in this systems is the ability of...
Grazia Bombini, Raquel Ros, Stefano Ferilli, Ramon...
183views more  IJAOSE 2010»
13 years 6 months ago
O-MaSE: a customisable approach to designing and building complex, adaptive multi-agent systems
: The complexity and scope of software systems continues to grow. One approach to dealing with this growing complexity is the use of intelligent, multi-agent systems. However, due ...
Scott A. DeLoach, Juan C. García-Ojeda
13 years 7 months ago
Replicator Dynamics for Multi-agent Learning: An Orthogonal Approach
Today's society is largely connected and many real life applications lend themselves to be modeled as multi-agent systems. Although such systems as well as their models are d...
Michael Kaisers, Karl Tuyls
255views more  IJCIS 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
BioMAS: A Multi-Agent System for Genomic Annotation
The explosive growth in genomic (and soon, expression and proteomic) data, exemplified by the Human Genome Project, is a fertile domain for the application of multi-agent informat...
Keith Decker, Salim Khan, Carl Schmidt, Gang Situ,...
13 years 9 months ago
Talking Helps: Evolving Communicating Agents for the Predator-Prey Pursuit Problem
We analyze a general model of multi-agent communication in which all agents communicate simultaneously to a message board. A genetic algorithm is used to evolve multi-agent languag...
Kam-Chuen Jim, C. Lee Giles
95views more  WIAS 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Using multi-agent platform for pure decentralised business workflows
This paper describes the development of a distributed multi-agent workflow enacting mechanism starting from a BPEL4WS[BPE03] specification. Our work demonstrates that a multi-agent...
Li Guo, David Robertson, Yun-Heh Chen-Burger
146views more  TSMC 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Decentralized Learning in Markov Games
Learning Automata (LA) were recently shown to be valuable tools for designing Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning algorithms. One of the principal contributions of LA theory is tha...
Peter Vrancx, Katja Verbeeck, Ann Nowé
13 years 9 months ago
Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning: The State of the Art
Cooperative multi-agent systems are ones in which several agents attempt, through their interaction, to jointly solve tasks or to maximize utility. Due to the interactions among t...
Liviu Panait, Sean Luke
109views more  ITSSA 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Gene Expression Analysis in Multi-Agent Environment
Abstract. This paper presents a multi-agent approach to gene expression analysis and illustrates the working steps using real dataset produced from a microarray experiment. The ana...
H. C. Lam, M. Vazquez, B. Juneja, Scott C. Fahrenk...
131views more  EAAI 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
A behavioral multi-agent model for road traffic simulation
Multi-agent systems allow the simulation of complex phenomena that cannot easily be described analytically. Multi-agent approaches are often based on coordinating agents whose act...
Arnaud Doniec, René Mandiau, Sylvain Piecho...