
13 years 10 months ago
Detection of Non-Native Sentences Using Machine-Translated Training Data
Training statistical models to detect nonnative sentences requires a large corpus of non-native writing samples, which is often not readily available. This paper examines the exte...
John Lee, Ming Zhou, Xiaohua Liu
13 years 10 months ago
Are Very Large N-Best Lists Useful for SMT?
This paper describes an efficient method to extract large n-best lists from a word graph produced by a statistical machine translation system. The extraction is based on the k sh...
Sasa Hasan, Richard Zens, Hermann Ney
13 years 10 months ago
Analysis and System Combination of Phrase- and N-Gram-Based Statistical Machine Translation Systems
In the framework of the Tc-Star project, we analyze and propose a combination of two Statistical Machine Translation systems: a phrase-based and an N-gram-based one. The exhaustiv...
Marta R. Costa-Jussà, Josep Maria Crego, Da...
13 years 10 months ago
Relationship between Non-Projective Edges, Their Level Types, and Well-Nestedness
Dependency analysis of natural language gives rise to non-projective structures. The constraint of well-nestedness on dependency trees has been recently shown to give a good fit ...
Jirí Havelka
13 years 10 months ago
Semi-Supervised Learning for Semantic Parsing using Support Vector Machines
We present a method for utilizing unannotated sentences to improve a semantic parser which maps natural language (NL) sentences into their formal meaning representations (MRs). Gi...
Rohit J. Kate, Raymond J. Mooney
13 years 10 months ago
Reversible Sound-to-Letter/Letter-to-Sound Modeling Based on Syllable Structure
This paper describes a new grapheme-tophoneme framework, based on a combination of formal linguistic and statistical methods. A context-free grammar is used to parse words into th...
Stephanie Seneff
13 years 10 months ago
Language Modeling for Determiner Selection
We present a method for automatic determiner selection, based on an existing language model. We train on the Penn Treebank and also use additional data from the North American New...
Jenine Turner, Eugene Charniak
13 years 10 months ago
A Three-Step Deterministic Parser for Chinese Dependency Parsing
This paper presents a three-step dependency parser to parse Chinese deterministically. By dividing a sentence into several parts and parsing them separately, it aims to reduce the...
Kun Yu, Sadao Kurohashi, Hao Liu
13 years 10 months ago
ILR-Based MT Comprehension Test with Multi-Level Questions
We present results from a new Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) based comprehension test. This new test design presents questions at multiple ILR difficulty levels within each...
Douglas Jones, Martha Herzog, Hussny Ibrahim, Arvi...