
13 years 10 months ago
Joint Tracking of Pose, Expression, and Texture using Conditionally Gaussian Filters
We present a generative model and stochastic filtering algorithm for simultaneous tracking of 3D position and orientation, non-rigid motion, object texture, and background texture...
Tim K. Marks, John R. Hershey, J. Cooper Roddey, J...
13 years 10 months ago
Semi-supervised Learning with Penalized Probabilistic Clustering
While clustering is usually an unsupervised operation, there are circumstances in which we believe (with varying degrees of certainty) that items A and B should be assigned to the...
Zhengdong Lu, Todd K. Leen
13 years 10 months ago
A Three Tiered Approach for Articulated Object Action Modeling and Recognition
Visual action recognition is an important problem in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a new method to probabilistically model and recognize actions of articulated object...
Le Lu, Gregory D. Hager, Laurent Younes
13 years 10 months ago
Mistake Bounds for Maximum Entropy Discrimination
We establish a mistake bound for an ensemble method for classification based on maximizing the entropy of voting weights subject to margin constraints. The bound is the same as a ...
Philip M. Long, Xinyu Wu
13 years 10 months ago
PAC-Bayes Learning of Conjunctions and Classification of Gene-Expression Data
We propose a "soft greedy" learning algorithm for building small conjunctions of simple threshold functions, called rays, defined on single real-valued attributes. We al...
Mario Marchand, Mohak Shah
13 years 10 months ago
An Investigation of Practical Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
This paper concerns approximate nearest neighbor searching algorithms, which have become increasingly important, especially in high dimensional perception areas such as computer v...
Ting Liu, Andrew W. Moore, Alexander G. Gray, Ke Y...
13 years 10 months ago
Methods for Estimating the Computational Power and Generalization Capability of Neural Microcircuits
What makes a neural microcircuit computationally powerful? Or more precisely, which measurable quantities could explain why one microcircuit C is better suited for a particular fa...
Wolfgang Maass, Robert A. Legenstein, Nils Bertsch...
13 years 10 months ago
Multiple Alignment of Continuous Time Series
Multiple realizations of continuous-valued time series from a stochastic process often contain systematic variations in rate and amplitude. To leverage the information contained i...
Jennifer Listgarten, Radford M. Neal, Sam T. Rowei...
13 years 10 months ago
Adaptive Discriminative Generative Model and Its Applications
This paper presents an adaptive discriminative generative model that generalizes the conventional Fisher Linear Discriminant algorithm and renders a proper probabilistic interpret...
Ruei-Sung Lin, David A. Ross, Jongwoo Lim, Ming-Hs...
13 years 10 months ago
Bayesian Regularization and Nonnegative Deconvolution for Time Delay Estimation
Bayesian Regularization and Nonnegative Deconvolution (BRAND) is proposed for estimating time delays of acoustic signals in reverberant environments. Sparsity of the nonnegative f...
Yuanqing Lin, Daniel D. Lee