
87views more  IIE 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Some Ways to Improve Olympiads in Informatics
The paper describes some possible ways how to improve Olympiads in Informatics. Tasks in Olympiads are small models of programming tasks in software industry and in the limited amo...
Martins Opmanis
65views more  CSJM 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
On the Cancellation Rule in the Homogenization
We consider the possible ways of the homogenization of nongraded non-commutative algebra and show that it should be combined with the cancellation rule to get the mathematically a...
Victor Ufnarovski
13 years 10 months ago
Recycling Computed Answers in Rewrite Systems for Abduction
In rule-based systems, goal-oriented computations correspond naturally to the possible ways that an observation may be explained. In some applications, we need to compute explanat...
Fangzhen Lin, Jia-Huai You