
13 years 10 months ago
Combining Visualization and Feedback for Eyewear Recommendation
The importance of effective customer assistance technologies is imperative in today's online marketplace where users are oftentimes overwhelmed by the product choices availab...
John Doody, Edwin Costello, Lorraine McGinty, Barr...
13 years 10 months ago
In-Depth Analysis of Similarity Knowledge and Metric Contributions to Recommender Performance
Initial successes in the area of recommender systems have led to considerable early optimism. However as a research community, we are still in the early days of our understanding ...
Derry O'Sullivan, Barry Smyth, David C. Wilson
175views Business» more  CSREAEEE 2006»
13 years 10 months ago
A Time-Based Recommender System Using Implicit Feedback
- Recommender systems provide personalized recommendations on products or services to customers. Collaborative filtering is a widely used method of providing recommendations based ...
Tong-Queue Lee, Young Park
13 years 10 months ago
Model-Based Collaborative Filtering as a Defense against Profile Injection Attacks
The open nature of collaborative recommender systems allows attackers who inject biased profile data to have a significant impact on the recommendations produced. Standard memory-...
Bamshad Mobasher, Robin D. Burke, Jeff J. Sandvig
169views Education» more  STAIRS 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Probabilistic Association Rules for Item-Based Recommender Systems
Since the beginning of the 1990's, the Internet has constantly grown, proposing more and more services and sources of information. The challenge is no longer to provide users ...
Sylvain Castagnos, Armelle Brun, Anne Boyer
13 years 10 months ago
Explaining the Relevance of Court Decisions to Laymen
In the context of intelligent disclosure of case law, we report on our findings with respect to the presentation of relevant court decisions back to the laymen users. For this pres...
Gwen R. Wildeboer, Michel C. A. Klein, Elisabeth M...
13 years 10 months ago
A Social Network Based Approach to Personalized Recommendation of Participatory Media Content
Given the rapid growth of participatory media content such as blogs, there is a need to design personalized recommender systems to recommend only useful content to users. We belie...
Aaditeshwar Seth, Jie Zhang
13 years 10 months ago
weHelp: A Reference Architecture for Social Recommender Systems
Abstract: Recommender systems have become increasingly popular. Most of the research on recommender systems has focused on recommendation algorithms. There has been relatively litt...
Swapneel Sheth, Nipun Arora, Christian Murphy, Gai...
183views Data Mining» more  DMIN 2007»
13 years 10 months ago
Crawling Attacks Against Web-based Recommender Systems
—User profiles derived from Web navigation data are used in important e-commerce applications such as Web personalization, recommender systems, and Web analytics. In the open en...
Runa Bhaumik, Robin D. Burke, Bamshad Mobasher
13 years 10 months ago
An Empirical Comparison of Collaborative Filtering Approaches on Netflix Data
Recommender systems are widely used in E-Commerce for making automatic suggestions of new items that could meet the interest of a given user. Collaborative Filtering approaches co...
Nicola Barbieri, Massimo Guarascio, Ettore Ritacco