
144views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Boosting a Network of Semantic Peers
Stefano Lodi, Federica Mandreoli, Riccardo Martogl...
170views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
A platform for model-independent solutions to model management problems
Abstract. Model management is a metadata-based approach to database problems aimed at supporting the productivity of developers by providing schema manipulation operators. Here we ...
Paolo Atzeni, Luigi Bellomarini, Francesca Bugiott...
148views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Crawling, Indexing, and Similarity Searching Images on the Web
Michal Batko, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Lucchese, D...
306views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Instance Matching for Ontology Population
In the context of ontology evolution, ontology population is the activity of acquiring new semantic descriptions of data extracted from heterogeneous data sources. To this end, the...
Silvana Castano, Alfio Ferrara, Stefano Montanelli...
153views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Automatic annotation for mapping discovery in data integration systems
Sonia Bergamaschi, Laura Po, Serena Sorrentino
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13 years 10 months ago
Efficient and Effective Query Answering in a PDMS with SUNRISE
Abstract. Peer Data Management Systems (PDMSs) have been recently proposed as an evolution of Peer-To-Peer (P2P) systems toward a more semantics-based description of peers' co...
Federica Mandreoli, Riccardo Martoglia, Wilma Penz...
178views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
A New Generation Search Engine Supporting Cross Domain Queries
d Abstract) Daniele Braga1 , Diego Calvanese2 , Alessandro Campi1 , Stefano Ceri1 , Florian Daniel1 , Davide Martinenghi1 , Paolo Merialdo3 , Riccardo Torlone3 1 Dip. di Elettronic...
Daniele Braga, Diego Calvanese, Alessandro Campi, ...
177views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Using PageRank in Feature Selection
Abstract. Feature selection is an important task in data mining because it allows to reduce the data dimensionality and eliminates the noisy variables. Traditionally, feature selec...
Dino Ienco, Rosa Meo, Marco Botta
159views Database» more  SEBD 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Profiling Sets for Preference Querying
We propose a logical framework for set preferences. Candidate sets are represented using profiles consisting of scalar features. This reduces set preferences to tuple preferences o...
Xi Zhang, Jan Chomicki
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13 years 10 months ago
A Fuzzy Description Logic Approach to Bilateral Matchmaking in Electronic Marketplaces
We present a novel Fuzzy Description Logic (DL) based approach to automate matchmaking in e-marketplaces. We model traders' preferences with the aid of Fuzzy DLs and, given a ...
Azzurra Ragone, Umberto Straccia, Fernando Bobillo...