
168views Data Mining» more  SEMWIKI 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
AceWiki: Collaborative Ontology Management in Controlled Natural Language
AceWiki is a prototype that shows how a semantic wiki using controlled natural language -- Attempto Controlled English (ACE) in our case -- can make ontology management easy for ev...
Tobias Kuhn
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13 years 10 months ago
Flyspeck in a Semantic Wiki
Abstract. Semantic wikis have been successfully applied to many problems in knowledge management and collaborative authoring. They are particularly appropriate for scientific and m...
Christoph Lange 0002, Sean McLaughlin, Florian Rab...
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13 years 10 months ago
A Generic Corporate Ontology Lifecycle
Abstract. Weaving the Semantic Web the research community is working on publishing publicly available data sources as RDF data on the Web. To facilitate the adoption of Semantic We...
Markus Luczak-Rösch, Ralf Heese
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13 years 10 months ago
Next-Generation Wikis: What Users Expect; How RDF Helps
Even though wikis helped start the web 2.0 phenomenon, they currently run the risk of becoming outdated. In order to find out what aspects of wikis will survive and how wikis might...
Axel Rauschmayer
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13 years 10 months ago
BOWiki: Ontology-based Semantic Wiki with ABox Reasoning
Joshua Bacher, Robert Hoehndorf, Janet Kelso
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13 years 10 months ago
Mathematical Semantic Markup in a Wiki: The Roles of Symbols and Notations
Abstract. We present semantic markup as a way to exploit the semantics of mathematics in a wiki. Semantic markup makes mathematical knowledge machine-processable and thus allows fo...
Christoph Lange 0002
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13 years 10 months ago
Using Attention and Context Information for Annotations in a Semantic Wiki
Abstract. For document-centric work, meta-information in form of annotations has proven useful to enhance search and other retrieval tasks. Since creating annotations manually is a...
Malte Kiesel, Sven Schwarz, Ludger van Elst, Georg...
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13 years 10 months ago
Extending the Makna Semantic Wiki to Support Workflows
Abstract. Semantic wikis combine the advantages introduced by the wiki principle with the potential of Semantic Web technologies. However, there is still a very limited support for...
Karsten Dello, Lyndon J. B. Nixon, Robert Tolksdor...
129views Data Mining» more  SEMWIKI 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
Hypertext Knowledge Workbench
This paper presents a tool for semantic personal knowledge management called Hypertext Knowledge Workbench (HKW), an editor and browser for semantic personal knowledge models. The ...
Max Völkel
157views Data Mining» more  SEMWIKI 2008»
13 years 10 months ago
RDF Authoring in Wikis
Although the Semantic Web vision is gaining momentum and the underlying technologies are used in many different areas, there still seems to be no agreement on how they should be us...
Florian Schmedding, Christoph Hanke, Thomas Hornun...