
13 years 10 months ago
3CoFramework: A Component-Based Framework for Distributed Applications
The software engineering community has introduced component and connector concepts to support architecture-based software descriptions. However, there still exists a gap in transi...
Shifeng Zhang, Steve Goddard
13 years 10 months ago
FAR: An Editing Tool for Standard Information Generation
It’s difficult for administrators to retrieve information from reports that are generated by different people with different computer platforms, word processors, and interpretat...
Tao Zhang, H. Conrad Cunningham, Jian Li
13 years 10 months ago
Memory Access Characteristics of Network Infrastructure Applications
Network infrastructure is composed of various devices located either in the core or at the edges of a wide-area network. These devices are required to deliver high transaction thr...
Abdul Waheed
13 years 10 months ago
Mappings between Object-Oriented Technology and Architecture-Based Models
In recent publications, two prominent approaches can be found which deal with the complexity of large software systems. First, there is the object–oriented approach, where ”ob...
Peter Tabeling, Bernhard Gröne
13 years 10 months ago
A Vision for Product Traceability Based on Semantics of Artifacts
In the face of extensive attention form both the research community and the industry, traceability there still lacks of a supporting methodology that enables traceability througho...
Darijus Strasunskas
13 years 10 months ago
Measures for Mobile Users
— Software measures are important to evaluate software properties like complexity, reusability, maintainability, effort required, etc. Collecting such data is difficult because o...
Alberto Sillitti, Andrea Janes, Giancarlo Succi, T...
13 years 10 months ago
Process Improvement in Large-Scale Industrial Environments Based on SCM
Abstract Process improvement in a large-scale industrial environment is a challenge for numerous reasons. Besides others it is difficult to convince and motivate a critical mass of...
Tilman Seifert, Markus Pizka, Karlheinz Raith
13 years 10 months ago
Generative and Incremental Approach to Scripting Support Implementation
Many systems may benefit from scripting support, but the implementation of it is seldom trivial, especially if the system has not originally been developed with scripting support...
Vespe Savikko
13 years 10 months ago
Polymorphism in Object-Oriented Contract Verification
The role that design by contract plays in the specification, monitoring, and reuse of classes is of increasing importance in the OO community. Although recognizably useful, neverth...
Isabel Nunes