
13 years 5 days ago
Kinetics of Swelling Gels
We develop a general theory of the swelling kinetics of polymer gels, with the view that a polymer gel is a two-phase fluid. The model we propose is a free boundary problem and ca...
James P. Keener, Sarthok Sircar, Aaron L. Fogelson
13 years 5 days ago
On the Optimal Receiver Activation Function for Distance-Based Geographic Transmissions
In wireless networks, the channels are often subject to random variations that limit the reliability of communications between any two radios. Geographic transmission strategies ca...
Murali Rao, Tathagata D. Goswami, Joseph Glover, J...
13 years 3 months ago
Electromechanical Coupling in Cardiac Dynamics: The Active Strain Approach
The coupling between cardiac mechanics and electric signaling is addressed in a nonstandard framework in which the electrical potential dictates the active strain (not stress) of t...
D. Ambrosi, G. Arioli, F. Nobile, Alfio Quarteroni
13 years 4 months ago
On the Kleinman-Martin Integral Equation Method for Electromagnetic Scattering by a Dielectric Body
The interface problem describing the scattering of time-harmonic electromagnetic waves by a dielectric body is often formulated as a pair of coupled boundary integral equations fo...
Martin Costabel, Frédérique Le Lou&e...
13 years 4 months ago
Persistence Results for Chemical Reaction Networks with Time-Dependent Kinetics and No Global Conservation Laws
New checkable criteria for persistence of chemical reaction networks are proposed, which extend and complement existing ones. The new results allow the consideration of reaction ra...
David Angeli, Patrick De Leenheer, Eduardo D. Sont...
13 years 4 months ago
Modeling and Design Optimization of a Resonant Optothermoacoustic Trace Gas Sensor
Trace gas sensors that are compact and portable are being deployed for use in a variety of applications including disease diagnosis via breath analysis, monitoring of atmospheric p...
Noemi Petra, John Zweck, Susan E. Minkoff, Anatoli...
13 years 4 months ago
A General Phase Transition Model for Vehicular Traffic
An extension of the Colombo phase transition model is proposed. The congestion phase is described by a two-dimensional zone defined around an equilibrium flux known as the classi...
Sebastien Blandin, Daniel B. Work, Paola Goatin, B...
13 years 4 months ago
Wave Attenuation through Multiple Rows of Scatterers with Differing Periodicities
A solution method is proposed for calculating wave scattering by a multiple-row array in which the rows are permitted to have different periodicities. Each individual row contains ...
Luke G. Bennetts
13 years 4 months ago
Imaging Schemes for Perfectly Conducting Cracks
We consider the problem of locating perfectly conducting cracks and estimating their geometric features from multi-static response matrix measurements at a single or multiple frequ...
Habib Ammari, Josselin Garnier, Hyeonbae Kang, Won...