
142views more  TASLP 2002»
13 years 9 months ago
Geometric source separation: merging convolutive source separation with geometric beamforming
Convolutive blind source separation and adaptive beamforming have a similar goal--extracting a source of interest (or multiple sources) while reducing undesired interferences. A be...
Lucas C. Parra, Christopher V. Alvino
122views more  TNN 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Two-Microphone Separation of Speech Mixtures
Separation of speech mixtures, often referred to as the cocktail party problem, has been studied for decades. In many source separation tasks, the separation method is limited by t...
Michael Syskind Pedersen, DeLiang Wang, Jan Larsen...
98views more  TASLP 2008»
13 years 9 months ago
Unsupervised Single-Channel Music Source Separation by Average Harmonic Structure Modeling
Source separation of musical signals is an appealing but difficult problem, especially in the single-channel case. In this paper, an unsupervised single-channel music source separa...
Zhiyao Duan, Yungang Zhang, Changshui Zhang, Zhenw...
13 years 9 months ago
Variational and stochastic inference for Bayesian source separation
We tackle the general linear instantaneous model (possibly underdetermined and noisy) where we model the source prior with a Student t distribution. The conjugate-exponential char...
Ali Taylan Cemgil, Cédric Févotte, S...
73views more  IJON 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Optimal selection of time lags for TDSEP based on genetic algorithm
In this letter, a two-step learning scheme for the optimal selection of time lags is proposed for a typical temporal blind source separation (TBSS), Temporal Decorrelation source ...
Zhan-Li Sun, De-Shuang Huang, Chun-Hou Zheng, Li S...
114views more  FSS 2006»
13 years 9 months ago
Fuzzy logic based variable step size algorithm for blind delayed source separation
Convergence of blind delayed source separation algorithms, which use constant learning rates, is known to be slow. We propose a fuzzy logic based approach to adaptively select the...
Vivek Nigam, Roland Priemer
13 years 9 months ago
Speech separation using speaker-adapted eigenvoice speech models
We present a system for model-based source separation for use on single channel speech mixtures where the precise source characteristics are not known a priori. The sources are mo...
Ron J. Weiss, Daniel P. W. Ellis
190views Visualization» more  3DPVT 2006»
14 years 1 months ago
A Blind Source Separation Approach to Structure from Motion
We present an alternate approach to the problem of structure from motion (SfM) with noisy point measurements. With no information available about the joint density of three-dimens...
Jeff Fortuna, Aleix M. Martínez
14 years 1 months ago
'Shadow BSS' for Blind Source Separation in Rapidly Time-Varying Acoustic Scenes
This paper addresses the tracking capability of blind source separation algorithms for rapidly time-varying sensor or source positions. Based on a known algorithm for blind source ...
S. Wehr, Anthony Lombard, Herbert Buchner, Walter ...
14 years 1 months ago
Image Source Separation Using Color Channel Dependencies
We investigate the problem of source separation in images in the Bayesian framework using the color channel dependencies. As a case in point we consider the source separation of co...
Koray Kayabol, Ercan E. Kuruoglu, Bülent Sank...